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Training Audits


The Army Individual Training Inspectorate (AITI) part of DITrg(A), would normaly carry out third party audits following (DSAT) Quality Standards (QS). These audits and inspections are generally conducted every two to three years on a rolling programme. prior to these taking place organisations would normaly conduct a first party audi i.e. a self assessment. DSAT Consultancy Ltd offer training audit services that greatly assist in any organisations 'Performance Improvement’ .


The deliverable is normaly a report containing issues, risks, options findings and recomendations that will assist the customer in making changes to a training system or management process.


DSAT Consultancy Ltd have training consultants with the skills to conduct first, second and third party audits, alternately we offer our services to companies that would like to improve its training system i.e. in an advisory role.

DSAT training audits, first, second, third party JSP 822

Types of Training Audit


The definitions of the types of audit are:


  • First Party - Audits conducted by the training deliverer for internal purposes, which can form the basis of an organisation’s self-declaration of conformity and provide the basis for continuous improvement.


  • Second Party - Audits conducted by, or on behalf of, parties having an interest in the training deliverer, including the Training Delivery Authority, customers and higher authorities.


  • Third Party - Audits conducted by organisations independent of the Training Delivery Authority and its Chain of Command. 


  • Inspection (of training) - A formal examination or review of training performance and outputs to determine adherence with regulations, assess effectiveness and/or to ensure fitness for purpose.


It has been stated that an audit enables an organisation to ‘determine the extent to which it meets set assessment criteria. The immediate aim of a first party training audit within the DSAT context is to allow the organisation to confirm that it complies with its own documented management system which in turn should comply with the DSAT QS.  However, there may be several more strategic aims and reasons why audits are carried out.  In general, First party audits are conducted for one or more of the following reasons:


  • It is a stipulated requirement (e.g. DSAT QS, external funding, regulatory and awarding bodies (Investors in People, International Standards Organisation).


  • It is a control mechanism utilised by Management.


  • To prepare for a Second or Third party audit


  • To systematically improve the organisation and its Quality Management System (Performance Improvement)



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